Dubois gets heavily criticized: 'he's pathetic and a real disgrace'

Elias Edmonson
May 2, 2024  (6:20 PM)

Photo of Pierre Luc Dubois
Photo credit: The Hockey News

On the airwaves of BPM Sports, Quebec forward Pierre-Luc Dubois was heavily criticized.

Host Martin Lemay was particularly disappointed.
«Pierre-Luc Dubois was pathetic yesterday! He was down on the fourth line, and not once did I see him skate with insistence. I told myself to calm down, that Pierre-Luc Dubois could not have gone from an okay player to what I think of him right now.

Then, he must be injured because otherwise it's a real disgrace.

For real, he was on the fourth line and he might as well not have played, it would have been the same for the Kings... They wouldn't have been worse, I'm putting it on paper.»

- Martin Lemay, via BPM Sports

It's a shame, because this is what many fans of the Los Angeles Kings are saying today. Even his head coach seemed discouraged after last night's game.
Dubois unfortunately had an extremely difficult season with his new team, and it got worse during the playoffs.
«Martin did not mince words towards Pierre-Luc Dubois on Le Retour des sportifs.» - BPM Sports

In the first-round series against the Edmonton Oilers, in five games, he accumulated no goals, one assist, and 20 minutes in penalties, in 14:50 minutes of playing time per game.
He was one of the least used players by the Kings.

Over for Pierre-Luc Dubois with the LA Kings?

It should be noted that Dubois has just signed a 68 million dollar contract (8 years/8.5 million per year) in Los Angeles, a contract valid until 2031.
The playoffs are over there and, according to many, it would be over for Dubois there as well.
«Dubois' contract has pushed the limits of how quickly a contract can age poorly.» - Arpon Basu, The Athletic

What do you think will happen with Dubois this summer? Do you think a team will take the chance to acquire his contract for free? Do you believe the contract will be bought out?
It will certainly be a fascinating case to follow, but we really hope Pierre-Luc becomes the exceptional player he was in Columbus.
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Dubois gets heavily criticized: 'he's pathetic and a real disgrace'

Would you trade Josh Anderson for Pierre-Luc Dubois?

Yes16529.2 %
No40170.8 %
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