Former Habs commentator makes a shocking statement on Carey Price's career

Elias Edmonson
June 11, 2024  (3:45 PM)

Photo of Carey Price
Photo credit: Wikipedia

We just had an explosive revelation involving former TVA Sports commentator Louis Jean and former Montreal Canadiens goalie Carey Price.

For those who weren't aware, Louis Jean is back in the public sphere, and he's sharing very interesting videos on his personal page (in addition to his new job).
He comments on NHL news, and fans love it.

Louis Jean Makes an Explosive Statement About Carey Price

The subject of one of his recent videos was none other than goalie Carey Price.
Here's an excerpt from his statement:
«I need your help to understand a phenomenon that has baffled me for years, and I'm very sincere, I want to read your thoughts. Write to me, maybe you can shed some light on this matter, and I'm talking about Carey Price.

Carey Price, who is back in the news because he's going to receive an honorary doctorate from the University of Northern British Columbia.

And suddenly, we start discussing his career, and a bit of his legacy, and I'm surprised to see how much harsh criticism there is, there's venom, people are extremely hard on Carey Price.» - Louis Jean

He then explains that he finds it disappointing to see that Carey Price hasn't managed to earn the respect of a good portion of Montreal Canadiens fans, simply because he didn't manage to win a Stanley Cup.
Louis Jean is convinced that if Carey Price had played for the Toronto Maple Leafs or the Colorado Avalanche, he would have won his Stanley Cup, but he's punished because he decided to stay loyal to the Montreal Canadiens throughout his career.
I agree with him when he adds that the Habs never knew how to properly support Carey Price.
A video we highly recommend.

He concludes by saying that Carey Price has all his respect, and we are 100% in agreement with him.
11 JUIN   |   815 ANSWERS
Former Habs commentator makes a shocking statement on Carey Price's career

Do you believe that Carey Price is one of the best goalies of his generation?

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