The rumor involving Connor McDavid has just been confirmed, and it's major

Elias Edmonson
June 27, 2024  (3:31 PM)

Photo of Connor McDavid
Photo credit: NHL

A few days after their Stanley Cup Final loss to the Florida Panthers, it was time for assessments for Connor McDavid and the Oilers.

Immediately, Edmonton's head coach, Kris Knoblauch, confirmed the circulating rumor.

Connor McDavid indeed played injured in the Stanley Cup Final

This is major information, and it could have changed everything for the Oilers if Connor McDavid and Leon Draisaitl had not been injured.
Because yes, Draisaitl was also severely hindered.
"Kris Knoblauch confirms that Connor McDavid played injured but doesn't want to elaborate on the nature and severity of the injury.

Leon Draisaitl was injured in the ribs and hand. Some nights he wasn't sure if he could play."

- Patrick Henri, Radio-Canada

In McDavid's case, some sources talk about a possible operation, so it's serious, just like for his German teammate.
"Kris Knoblauch says there were playoff games where the team wasn't sure if Leon Draisaitl would play.

Another testimony proving how much number 29 is the real deal.

He mentioned injuries to his ribs and hands."

- Tony Brar

He still managed to play every game.
Knoblauch stated that Draisaitl has injuries to his ribs and hand.
"There were games where we weren't sure he could play. But he always did, he always played through the pain."

- Via Mark Spector

The complete excerpt is right here, with all the comments from Edmonton Oilers' head coach on this matter.
Connor McDavid, 27, accumulated 42 points in 23 games during the 2024 playoffs, including 11 points in 7 games in the Stanley Cup Final series.
Leon Draisaitl, 28, accumulated 30 points in 23 games during the 2024 playoffs, including 3 points in 7 games in the Stanley Cup Final series. Clearly, he wasn't himself.
As for number 97, it didn't stop him from winning the 2024 Playoff MVP title and taking home the Conn Smythe Trophy.
It's truly impressive.
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The rumor involving Connor McDavid has just been confirmed, and it's major

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