The number 1 candidate to land the Laval Rocket coaching job has been revealed

Elias Edmonson
June 21, 2024  (7:05 PM)

Photo of Pascal Vincent and Kent Hughes with Jeff Gorton
Photo credit: Reuters

After the unexpected departure of Laval Rocket head coach Jean-François Houle, here's an interesting development involving Pascal Vincent.

According to the excellent Anthony Marcotte from BPM Sports, who is the voice of the Laval Rocket, Pascal Vincent is considered the number one candidate to replace Houle. Wow! Pascal Vincent also recently experienced another unexpected dismissal in the NHL.
Here is his exact post. Stéphane Leroux shares the same opinion as him.
«Pascal Vincent should be considered the number 1 candidate for the head coach position of the Rocket. I won't surprise anyone by saying this.

Afterwards, you can be sure that the candidacies of Stéphane Julien, Sylvain Favreau, Gilles Bouchard, Louis Robitaille, Éric Veilleux, Carl Mallette, and Bruce Richardson will be considered.

If the last name seems surprising to you, know that he came in second behind Houle for the Laval position three years ago.» - Anthony Marcotte

He also adds a few other interesting names.

Dismissal in Columbus: Pascal Vincent would be the favorite for the head coach position of the Laval Rocket

This is an important matter because Kent Hughes and John Sedgwick will need to quickly find a replacement to fill the vacancy left by Houle.
And you, would you like the Canadiens' organization to hire Pascal Vincent to lead the organization's prospects and the Laval Rocket? He was just fired by the Columbus Blue Jackets and will likely want to find a new position quite quickly.
In any case, he already has a lot of experience in the AHL.
«Given the circumstances, it makes sense to think that the Canadiens' management will consider Pascal Vincent. Freshly fired by the Blue Jackets, he is a prime candidate.

We'll need to make sure that whatever led to his dismissal from Columbus isn't an issue, but he has ample experience in the AHL... and if he wants the job, he will clearly be a favorite for the CH.» - Charles-Alexis Brisebois

This is a situation to watch, but don't be surprised if Pascal Vincent eventually replaces JF Houle.
Credit: DansLesCoulisses
Rocket : si Pascal Vincent veut le poste d'entraîneur-chef, il est un favori
21 JUIN   |   523 ANSWERS
The number 1 candidate to land the Laval Rocket coaching job has been revealed

Who would be your choice for the Laval Rocket coaching job?

Pascal Vincent10119.3 %
Guy Boucher13325.4 %
Paul Byron20238.6 %
Plekanec8716.6 %
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