Dany Dubé's Finding on Certain Remarks by Kent Hughes

Jeff Drouin
January 25, 2022  (12:18)

When he landed in Montreal, Kent Hughes gave a very refreshing speech, indicating in passing that he wanted an offensive team. We want a dynamic offense that scores goals and excites fans in the stands and on their sofa.

But to succeed in such a feat of arms, Hughes has a whole mission ahead of him, it will take magic to reinvigorate a facet that sleeps considerably this year. Just like that, the Montreal Canadiens reached the 30th level of the circuit in the scoring category.

Dany Dubé did an exercise on this subject. A major issue of Hughes, that is, that this training register more success (goals). Dubé's exercise is simple, taking the top teams in goals scored and calculating the percentage of goals scored by the top six forwards.

Here are some examples of some of the best formations (140 goals and more):

- The Wild has seven 10-goal scorers and more in their top-6, which is incredible. The top six forwards scored 60% of the club's goals.

- The Panthers are first with 170 goals, 56% of which are scored by the top-6.

- The Colorado Avalanche has 165 goals and 51% of the nets have been scored by the top-6.

- The Tampa Bay Lightning, 86 goals out of 149 were scored by the top six forwards, or 58%.

In closing, this year's Montreal Canadiens are not very productive. The top six forwards scored 44% of the team's goals, which only had 89 on the clock. The percentage is to be increased, as is the number of goals. The CH has no player who has reached the ten-goal plateau in 41 games...

*Please note that the statistics were taken prior to last night's meetings, except for the Canadiens.