Elliotte Friedman leaks Kent Hughes' plan for the NHL Draft

Elias Edmonson
May 7, 2024  (9:57)

Photo of Elliotte friedman and Kent Hughes
Photo credit: SportsNet

Journalist Elliotte Friedman from Sportsnet is probably the best insider in the entire National Hockey League.

He has his antennas everywhere, and rest assured he knows very well what's going on behind the scenes. He can't say everything, to protect his sources and to maintain his privileged links with some NHL executives, but he knows a lot.
In the last few hours, and in anticipation of the 2024 NHL draft lottery, Friedman made a very intriguing statement.
Among all the NHL teams, he believes Montreal will be particularly interesting to watch! He could have named any of the 32 teams, but he specifically named Montreal.

Elliotte Friedman seems to think something is brewing with the Canadiens

On Sportsnet, he mentioned this:
«One of the teams that interests me about where they end up in this lottery is Montreal. I think they can be a really fascinating team this off-season I look at them & a 1st round pick & I wonder what they can cook up.»

- Elliotte Friedman today on Sportsnet

Clearly, he seems to think that Kent Hughes is working hard behind the scenes and he might have a big surprise for us, depending on the result of tonight's lottery.
If the Canadiens do not win the lottery, nor the second overall pick, it will become very interesting, especially knowing that the majority of the best players available in the draft are defensemen.
"The fact that Friedman, a guy who has his antennas in the NHL, links the lottery pick to the club's offseason fascinates me. [...]

Let's remember that at the end of the season, when Kent Hughes was questioned about drafting a defenseman with his first pick, the GM said he would evaluate his options to move his pick if the best player available on his list was a defenseman." - Charles-Alexis Brisebois

So, if the Canadiens lose the lottery tonight, it could become really interesting on the trade market and there seems to be a real possibility of seeing Kent Hughes trade a 5th or 6th overall pick in 2024.
To be continued, but Elliotte Friedman does not say this "for nothing."
Kent Hughes will make a move this summer! But how big will it be? How quickly will it happen? That is the question, but his work on the trade market will start tomorrow (unless they win the lottery or the second overall pick).
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Elliotte Friedman leaks Kent Hughes' plan for the NHL Draft

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